Bryant Ave Rain Garden Replanting Begins

Minneapolis Public Works crews have begun weeding and replanting the rain gardens along Bryant Avenue S. After the initial plantings failed to take root. More plantings will be done in spring 2025 including full size plants since they are more likely to thrive and flourish. The rain gardens capture storm water and pollutants keeping it out of water bodies while greening the corridor. Check out the Bryant Avenue Greening Infrastructure website for more details and future updates: 

Join the 11/7 Happy Hour at Roat Osha!

South Uptown Happy Hour

Thursday, November 7, 2024

5:30- 7:00PM

Roat Osha- 3001 Hennepin Avenue

Join us for an evening of camaraderie, community-spirit and connection at Roat Osha, sponsored by the South Uptown Neighborhood Association. This first- Thursday gathering promises an informal yet engaging setting for South Uptown residents to come together, unwind and learn more about the vital work of the neighborhood association. Whether you’re a longtime resident or a newcomer to South Uptown, this happy hour is a great opportunity to forge new friendships while getting to know more about the community. South Uptown will provide light appetizers while attendees pick up their own drinks. Please bring your friends, family and neighbors! The more, the merrier…

Complete the Lyndale Avenue Reconstruction Survey!

Hennepin County plans to reconstruct Lyndale Avenue S., between Franklin Avenue and W. 31st St., starting in 2027, and they are seeking input on newly released concept layouts. The three design options were created based off of input gathered over the last two years and emphasize safety for all users of the corridor. The County will choose a preferred concept in spring 2025 based on survey results and technical analysis. Fill out the survey here:

Get Rid of Your Stuff & Find New Treasures!

South Uptown Stop & Swap

Thursday, November 14, 6:30- 8:00 PM

Bryant Square Park Recreation Center

3101 Bryant Avenue S.

In the spirit of "buy nothing", we are pleased to host the South Uptown Stop & Swap on Thursday, November 14. This free event is an opportunity to declutter and clean out your home by offering your stuff to your neighbors, while taking a few items for yourself. this free reuse swap is a sustainable way to dispose of unwanted stuff and share with the community. Register Here: 

Swapable Items: Clean, reusable and portable items such as clothes, housewares, electronics, books and toys.

Unacceptable Items: Furniture, large items, expired or opened food, dirty or damaged clothes, unsealed personal care items, medicine, child car seats, strollers, broken electronics and sharp items.  

Fill out the online registration form by Tuesday, November 12 to reserve table space for the event- either a half (4') or full (8') banquet table. * Space is limited and will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. Setup can start as early as 6:00PM with a 6:30PM event start.

Utility Boxes Wrapped in Artwork

Earlier this month, crews wrapped three utility boxes with art at 36th Street and Bryant Avenue S. Adjacent to Kyle’s market. Local artist Mary Bacon designed the images featuring colorful flower motifs designed to wrap groupings of utility boxes. The project was led and funded by the South Uptown Neighborhood Association using Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) funds dedicated to graffiti prevention. The organization partnered with the Arts & Cultural Affairs and Public Works departments to make the project a reality. 

Don’t Get Towed. Watch for the “No Parking” Signs!

Minneapolis Public Works will begin fall street sweeping on Tuesday, October 22, and it will continue for about four weeks. Street sweeping keeps leaves and debris out of the storm sewers preventing it from polluting our lakes and rivers. Watch for the bright pink “No Parking” signs that will be posted about 24 hours prior to sweeping beginning. Cars that are not moved will be ticketed and towed, which is a costly hassle. It’s easy to track when your street is scheduled to be swept by checking out this interactive map: 

Join us for the South Uptown Breakfast Club!

South Uptown Breakfast Club

Saturday, October 26, 2024

9:00AM- 10:30AM

Brother’s Cafe- 3450 Lyndale Avenue S. 

We are excited to invite you to the inaugural South Uptown Neighborhood Association (SUNA) Breakfast Club! Let’s come together on Saturday, October 26th at The Brothers Cafe for good food, great company, and a chance to connect with fellow neighbors. This is a kid-friendly event, and we encourage everyone to join us—whether you’re new to the neighborhood or have lived here for years!

Our Breakfast Club is all about building community, supporting our local businesses, and creating a warm, welcoming space for neighbors to meet, chat, and share ideas. We hope this becomes a regular tradition where we can strengthen connections and work together to make South Uptown an even better place to live.

To help the cafe prepare, please make a reservation by calling (612) 238-5082 and let them know how many will be in your party. Be sure to mention that you’re with the South Uptown Breakfast Club. You can also check out The Brothers Cafe’s menu and details here.

We look forward to seeing you there and starting this wonderful new tradition!

Meet New Friends at 10/3 Neighborhood Happy Hour

South Uptown Happy Hour

Thursday, October 3, 5:30- 7:00PM

Roat Osha- 3001 Hennepin Avenue

Join us for an evening of camaraderie, community-spirit and connection at Roat Osha, sponsored by the South Uptown Neighborhood Association. This first- Thursday gathering promises an informal yet engaging setting for South Uptown residents to come together, unwind and learn more about the vital work of the neighborhood association. Whether you’re a longtime resident or a newcomer to South Uptown, this happy hour is a great opportunity to forge new friendships while getting to know more about the community. South Uptown will provide light appetizers while attendees pick up their own drinks. Please bring your friends, family and neighbors! The more, the merrier…

Help Out During 10/12 Neighborhood Clean Up!

South Uptown Fall Neighborhood Clean Up

Saturday, October 12, 2024

10:00AM- 12:00PM

Bryant Square Park Recreation Center

(3101 Bryant Avenue S.)

We need your help to pick up litter around the neighborhood and keep it out of our lakes and rivers! Join your neighbors for the Fall Clean Up to spruce up the community before winter. Simply show up to Bryant Square Park anytime that morning to pick up trash bags, gloves and guidance about where to focus your efforts. We’ll send you out with a snack to concentrate on litter on a block or two.  

This is a fun and easy way to make a difference for volunteers of all ages. Bring your friends, family and co-workers to pitch in! Let’s make South Uptown clean and beautiful!

South Uptown Board Election Results

Congratulations to the five people who were elected by their neighbors to serve on the South Uptown Board of Directors! Jenna Egan, Claudia Madrigal, Phil Qualy, Gretchen Sieger and Brooks Wilson will serve a two-year term through September 2026. They will join fellow Board Members Alex Bissen, Joel Chechik, Brian Dvorak and Alec Shannon who are in the midst of their Board terms. The group will get together soon to select Board Officers and committee assignments. Please attend the next South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 7PM at 3501 Aldrich Avenue S. To meet the new Board.

Vote for the South Uptown Board!

The online Board of Directors election will begin during the South Uptown Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 - 8:00PM at the Bryant Square Park Recreation Center (3101 Bryant Avenue S.). Additional Board nominations will be accepted during the Annual Meeting before the election ballot goes live for voting. The election will start around 7:00PM on September 17 and run until September 18 at 12:00PM. Election results will be posted soon thereafter on Go here for the online ballot: 

Meet the South Uptown Board Candidates!

Seven neighbors have stepped up already to run for a seat on the South Uptown Board of Directors. These folks are willing to bring their talents and time to support the organization’s mission of fostering a safe, equitable and connected community. Check out the 2024 Candidate Profile document to learn more about the neighbors who want to represent the community on the Board.

List of Candidates

  • Jenna Egan

  • Claudia Madrigal

  • Phil Qualy

  • Gretchen Sieger

  • Nicholas Weir

  • Brooks Wilson

  • Ben Zass

The online Board of Directors election will begin during the South Uptown Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 6:30- 8:00PM at the Bryant Square Park Recreation Center (3101 Bryant Avenue S.). Additional Board nominations will be accepted during the Annual Meeting before the election ballot goes live for voting. The election will start around 7:00 PM on September 17 and run until September 18 at 12:00 PM. Election results will be posted soon thereafter on Go here for the online ballot: 

Jenna Egan

Claudia Madrigal

Phil Qualy

Gretchen Sieger

Nicholas Weir

Brooks Wilson

Ben Zass

Stop by Our Little Free Libraries!

South Uptown owns two little libraries and they move to new homes every few months. A few weeks ago, one library moved to 3349 Bryant Avenue S. And the other is now at 3322 Colfax Avenue S. Stop by to leave a book and then take a book.

We are still seeking neighbors to host one of the libraries starting in November over the winter. Library hosts simply monitor it to ensure it stays in good condition and full of books. Get in touch if interested at

Q & A with Lakeshore Care about Proposed 918 W. Lake St. Emergency Shelter

On September 3 the Lowry Hill East and South Uptown Neighborhood Associations hosted an online Question and Answer session with the owners of the proposed Recuperative Care Facility at 918 W. Lake St., and it is available to view here: 

The session was scheduled to provide more information prior to the Public Hearing during the City Council’s Business Housing and Zoning (BHZ) Committee meeting on September 10, 1:30PM at 250 4th St. S., Room #350. Lakeshore Care is applying for an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to operate the proposed Emergency Shelter. The Q & A provides more detail about the facility being proposed and addresses some of the concerns expressed by neighbors.

Meet New Neighbors at 9/5 Happy Hour!

South Uptown Happy Hour

Thursday, September 5, 5:30- 7:00PM

Morrissey’s Irish Pub

913 W. Lake Street

Join us for an evening of camaraderie, community-spirit and connection at Morrissey’s Irish Pub, sponsored by the South Uptown Neighborhood Association. This first- Thursday gathering promises an informal yet engaging setting for South Uptown residents to come together, unwind and learn more about the vital work of the neighborhood association. Whether you’re a longtime resident or a newcomer to South Uptown, this happy hour is a great opportunity to forge new friendships while getting to know more about the community. South Uptown will provide light appetizers while attendees pick up their own drinks. Please bring your friends, family and neighbors! The more, the merrier…

Lyndale Open Streets is Back on August 24!

Lyndale Open Streets

Saturday, August 24, 11AM- 5PM

Lyndale Ave S. Between W. 22nd and 36th Streets

Led by the Uptown Association, the free Open Streets event features more than 200 vendors and participants. It’s a fun way to experience Minneapolis outside of a car. This free street festival features music, food and community activities.

Volunteers are still needed, and you can help here:

Consider Running for a Board Seat!

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association is seeking candidates to join the 9-Member Board of Directors by participating in the Board Election on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Those elected will serve two-year terms running between October 1, 2024- September 30, 2026. It's fun and a great way to serve your community. Click here for more information and to apply.

The organization is especially interested in recruiting people of color, renters and women to join the Board to better reflect the neighborhood population. Candidates with experience in fundraising, events organizing, social media and urban planning are also highly desired.

South Uptown Board Qualifications & Duties
All South Uptown residents (including renters), business owners, and property owners 18+ are eligible to run for a seat on the South Uptown Board of Directors. Responsibilities include:
• Fulfill oversight and fiduciary duties of the nonprofit South Uptown Neighborhood Association
• Attend monthly SU Neighborhood Meetings on the third Tuesday of most months, 7 pm online or at the South Uptown office.  
• Participate on at least one of the active SU committees
• Act as an ambassador for the organization