Consider Running for a Board Seat!

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association is seeking candidates to join the 9-Member Board of Directors by participating in the Board Election on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Those elected will serve two-year terms running between October 1, 2024- September 30, 2026. It's fun and a great way to serve your community. Click here for more information and to apply.

The organization is especially interested in recruiting people of color, renters and women to join the Board to better reflect the neighborhood population. Candidates with experience in fundraising, events organizing, social media and urban planning are also highly desired.

South Uptown Board Qualifications & Duties
All South Uptown residents (including renters), business owners, and property owners 18+ are eligible to run for a seat on the South Uptown Board of Directors. Responsibilities include:
• Fulfill oversight and fiduciary duties of the nonprofit South Uptown Neighborhood Association
• Attend monthly SU Neighborhood Meetings on the third Tuesday of most months, 7 pm online or at the South Uptown office.  
• Participate on at least one of the active SU committees
• Act as an ambassador for the organization
