Seven neighbors have stepped up already to run for a seat on the South Uptown Board of Directors. These folks are willing to bring their talents and time to support the organization’s mission of fostering a safe, equitable and connected community. Check out the 2024 Candidate Profile document to learn more about the neighbors who want to represent the community on the Board.
List of Candidates
Jenna Egan
Claudia Madrigal
Phil Qualy
Gretchen Sieger
Nicholas Weir
Brooks Wilson
Ben Zass
The online Board of Directors election will begin during the South Uptown Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 6:30- 8:00PM at the Bryant Square Park Recreation Center (3101 Bryant Avenue S.). Additional Board nominations will be accepted during the Annual Meeting before the election ballot goes live for voting. The election will start around 7:00 PM on September 17 and run until September 18 at 12:00 PM. Election results will be posted soon thereafter on Go here for the online ballot:
Jenna Egan
Claudia Madrigal
Phil Qualy
Gretchen Sieger
Nicholas Weir
Brooks Wilson
Ben Zass