Q & A with Lakeshore Care about Proposed 918 W. Lake St. Emergency Shelter

On September 3 the Lowry Hill East and South Uptown Neighborhood Associations hosted an online Question and Answer session with the owners of the proposed Recuperative Care Facility at 918 W. Lake St., and it is available to view here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IYqKqJ_hddDL7xYWv-7ssGWXQfiyXHRm 

The session was scheduled to provide more information prior to the Public Hearing during the City Council’s Business Housing and Zoning (BHZ) Committee meeting on September 10, 1:30PM at 250 4th St. S., Room #350. Lakeshore Care is applying for an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to operate the proposed Emergency Shelter. The Q & A provides more detail about the facility being proposed and addresses some of the concerns expressed by neighbors.
