3224-36 Girard Ave. S. plans and board resolution

On August 12, the South Uptown Neighborhood Board passed a resolution, found below, regarding the proposed apartment building at 3224 Girard Ave. S.

Yellow Tree Development presented plans for a 4-story, 77-unit apartment building at the South Uptown Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting on Aug 7. It would replace three single-family homes and a duplex between 3224 and 3236 Girard Ave S. Almost 40 neighbors attended to hear the presentation and provide feedback. That input was used to develop South Uptown's position on the project, which can be seen here.

The property's R5 zoning allows for up to 4 stories and the combining of lots. City staff is recommending approval of the project including setback, parking and lot coverage variances. See the report here.

The Minneapolis Planning Commission will review the project August 19, 4:30PM in City Hall, #317.
