In-Person South Uptown Annual Meeting is Back!

South Uptown Annual Meeting

Tuesday, September 19, 6:30- 7:30PM

Bryant Square Park Recreation Center- 3101 Bryant Ave S.

Come out to celebrate the South Uptown neighborhood and vote for neighbors to represent you on the Board of Directors! We're providing free dinner from Wrecktangle Pizza, which was recently crowned America’s Best Pizza by “Good Morning America". It's a fun way to meet neighbors and learn about the community. Plus, we’ll meet the candidates for the South Uptown Board before the election begins.

On the Agenda...
* Free Dinner from Wrecktangle Pizza
* Board Nominations & Elections
* 2023 Highlights

All South Uptown renters, homeowners, business owners and property owners (18+) are considered members and eligible to vote. Check out for more details.
