Bryant Ave Construction Coming Soon!

Starting April 10, reconstruction of Bryant Ave S. between 35th and 42nd Streets will begin according to Minneapolis Public Works. Construction between 42nd and 50th Streets was completed in fall 2022, and a final phase between Lake and 35th Streets will begin later this summer. Public Works will rebuild the entire street, sidewalks and utilities along the corridor adding a bike path, green space and pedestrian bump-outs. The roadway will become a one-way with automobiles driving southbound for most of the route.

Public Works announced some modifications to the project design following the experience south of 42nd Street this winter. All the planned “chicains” north of 42nd St. have been removed, except for the 3700 block, and parking will be moved to the west side of the street. The grassy boulevard will be moved in-between the bike path and sidewalk to provide snow storage.

Visit the Bryant Avenue Reconstruction project website for more details and to sign up for weekly email updates.
