Consider Running for a Seat on the South Uptown Board of Directors

The South Uptown Neighborhood is seeking neighbors to run for a seat on the Board of Directors during elections associated with the organization’s September 21 Annual Meeting. Eligible candidates include all South Uptown residents, business owners and property owners (18+). We are especially interested to involve people of color, renters and folks with nonprofits and fundraising. It is fun and a great way to get involved with the neighborhood.

Board Members oversee operations of the South Uptown nonprofit organization, implement community projects and programs and act as ambassadors for the neighborhood. They are required to attend monthly Neighborhood Meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7PM, participate on a South Uptown committee and generally spend a few hours a month helping with community projects and programs. Attend the South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting on Tuesday, August 17 to get a sense of what the organization does and how it operates or contact for more details. Apply here for a Board seat with the information being used to create a Candidate Profile document for the election:
