Meet your 2019 neighborhood board candidates

Review the candidates for the 2019-2020 South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board below. Neighborhood residents can vote at the South Uptown Annual meeting this Tuesday, September 17 from 6-8:30pm. Click here for more information about the neighborhood meeting.

Blue Delliquanti

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

One year of experience in SUNA, including LU&T board

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

Interested in improving community engagement with renters and lower-income residents and improving transit and mobility options.

Brad Klein

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

I have been a member of the South Uptown (formerly CARAG) neighborhood association for five years & Treasurer for the last two years. I love our neighborhood & advocate for South Uptown every chance I get. It has been an honor to serve our community.

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

As a believer in the "Think globally, act locally" movement, I strive to keep our neighborhood progressive, smart & clean. I strongly feel that South Uptown is a special place & have worked diligently for many years to make it stay that way.

Cameron Delaney

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

I have worked as a makeup artist and assistant manager for the last 4 years. I have recently decided to move down to a freelance position so I can focus on going back to school part time at MCTC. I have wonderful public speaking skills and love exploring my community that I just moved to this past spring!

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

I love exploring my neighborhood and supporting local businesses. I want other people in the community to know about where they live and make them feel safe and happy. I want to be engaged with community activities and programs and get to know some of my neighbors better!

Jerome Chateau

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

I was born and raised in Paris and originally came to Minneapolis to study at the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health, where I earned a graduate degree. I liked the city so much that I decided to stay. It’s been more than 30 years now! South Uptown has been my home since 2005, and I have gravitated to this neighborhood and lived in surrounding neighborhoods, including Central and Whittier, since I first arrived. My experience visiting many cities across the United States and around the world, in addition to growing up in a global city, has given me a deep appreciation for what Minneapolis has to offer. I also own and manage a small, independent agribusiness, providing products to farmers and dairies, mostly organic, in Outstate Minnesota and across the U.S.. This perspective gives me insight into urban/rural relations that is somewhat atypical of South Uptown and strengthens my sensitivity to environmental impact.

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

I have always been extremely interested in how cities evolve and consider myself observant and informed about changes that perform well over time for people, given different contexts. I strongly believe that our city can support greater density and that the ripest areas for increasing density and making planned improvements are the urban corridors such as Lake Street, Lyndale and Hennepin Avenues. Simultaneously, while there are many advantages to upzoning, it is crucial to conserve the balance of green space and urban development, encouraging pollinators and protecting aesthetics. I believe balance is key-between young and old, renters and homeowners, density and greenspace, to maintaining South Uptown as an exceptional neighborhood to live, work and play.

John Kostouros

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

Former public affairs journalist; long time area resident; served on the SUNO/CARAG board past two years

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

Managing the rapid development of new housing and business so as not to diminish the livability of our neighborhood

Jordan Gaal

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

I have served several months on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board. I also have several years of community organizing experience. In addition, I bring community relations, digital media, and communications skills to the organization from my professional and academic background.

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

I am interested in fostering a thriving and inclusive environment that embodies community values while providing the services and programs expected form a modern urban neighborhood.

Justin Gardiner

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

I have degrees in economics and mathematics. I work as a data scientist doing mathematical modeling and statistics.

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

As a member of the neighborhood, I am interested in serving the community.

Max Ellis

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

Prior experience; Volunteer on the Livability and Engagement Committee in 2016, Elected to Board in 2017, held Secretary position, Elected to Board in 2018, holding position as President. Having served on several other Boards, I am skilled in fundraising and community outreach. There is a passion to advocate for the betterment and stability of our neighborhood and fellow neighbors that I carrying daily.

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

As stated, in the Mission of South Uptown, I want to assist in strengthening our community and improving the quality of life for those living in our neighborhood. I have the ability to do that through connections and creative thinking and outreach. It is important to stand up and be thankful for changes, while being aware of the needs and concerns of the people who have to experience and are impacted by decisions/proposals on a daily basis. Adaption is acceptable for all parties involved when change is presented.

Sophia Snow

Describe your background, including any skills or experience that will benefit the organization.

I have lived in Minneapolis for most of my life as has most of my family. I have been a visual merchandiser for Patina stores for over six years now. Over those six years I have had I much experience in retail, customer service, event planning, and team leading. I volunteer regularly with either people serving people, the birthday project, and other organizations. I live work and play in the community!

Describe your interests and how they align with service on the South Uptown Neighborhood Association Board.

South uptown is a thriving and growing neighborhood. I see so much interest and involvement in my neighbors and want to help grow and improve my community in a new way. I take a little bit of everything uptown has to offer. I feel strongly about keeping uptown uptown but also want this neighborhood to move forward as it needs to. With all that is happening in our city and our country I can’t think of a better time to get involved!
Thank you!
