Consider Running for the South Uptown Board of Directors

The South Uptown Annual Meeting is coming up on Tuesday, September 20, and there will be 6 open Board seats up for election. Consider becoming a candidate to get more involved with the community. Board Members oversee the South Uptown nonprofit, work on improvement projects and attend meetings to address neighborhood issues. The South Uptown organization is especially keen to recruit people of color, renters and women to the Board in order to reflect the demographics of the neighborhood. If interested, please fill out this short Application Form that will be used to create a Candidate Profile document for the election.


NRP Plan Modification Vote at August 16 South Uptown Meeting

During the August 16 South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting, community members will be asked to approve a proposed NRP Plan Modification to support administrative expenses of the organization over the next few years. The reallocation will supplement yearly City funding expected from the Neighborhoods 2020 Program that pays for office, insurance, staff supplies and other administrative costs. The City funding was reduced by nearly 30% in 2022 creating a challenge to sustain the capacity of the organization in the coming years.

Proposed NRP Plan Modification

Reallocate all $187,252 from NRP Strategy 3.1.5 Cycle of Life Housing to Strategy 11.1 Implementation: Office & Staff Support. The funding will support administrative costs over the coming years as the organization ramps up fundraising efforts. See more details about the proposed Plan Modification here.


25th Annual South Uptown Garden Tour

Saturday, June 25, 10:00AM- 12:00PM

Meeting Location: On Saturday, we will meet at Dunn Bros Coffee (3348 Hennepin Ave) at 10AM

Monday, June 27, 6:30- 8:30PM

Meeting Location: On Monday, we will meet at 5 Watt Coffee (3350 Lyndale Ave S.) at 6:30PM

Join the free neighborhood walking tour of fabulous South Uptown gardens! We’ll walk together along the route meeting other garden and landscape lovers.

Click here to see the routes for Saturday and Monday.


Earth Day Clean Up -> Rescheduled to Saturday, April 30

Earth Day Clean Up - Rescheduled

Saturday, April 30, 9:30 AM- Noon

Bryant Square Park Recreation Center

(3101 Bryant Ave S.)

We need you, your friends and family and your neighbors to pick up all the litter blowing around the neighborhood! Show up anytime that morning to the park to get free gloves, trash bags, snacks and directions. Together we can make South Uptown a cleaner place keeping trash out of our lakes and rivers. Please join us!


Recycle Food Scraps & Get a Free Starter Kit!

South Uptown is offering free “starter kits” to encourage neighbors to recycle food scraps, compostable products and other organic items. The kits include a choice from 3 bin options, compostable bags and resource materials. It is an easy way too reduce the amount of household waste going into the landfill. Register here.

Visit the Organics Recycling page on the South Uptown website for more info and links to resources:

Organics Recycling Made Easy Workshop

Thu, March 31, 7 pm Online

Register here

Do you need help getting started recycling food scraps and compostable items in your house? Or, are you already doing it, but losing motivation? Join the free workshop to learn tips and tricks to make recycling organics easy and convenient.


South Uptown Chili Fest - 7-day online fundraiser Feb. 21 - 27

South Uptown Chili Fest

February 21- 27, 2022

A 7-day online fundraiser for the Joyce Uptown Food Shelf

We cannot gather this year to share delicious chili, but South Uptown folks can still help neighbors experiencing food insecurity through the Chili Fest fundraiser.

Donate here.

Contributions to the Food Shelf are doubled due to a challenge grant from the South Uptown Neighborhood Association with the first $1,000 of donations being matched dollar for dollar. Your donation will amplify the impact, Making sure our neighbors do not go hungry.

Supply Drive at Joyce Uptown Food Shelf (3041 Fremont Ave S.)

Sunday, February 27, 1:00- 2:00PM

Fill the van with these most needed items:

  • Diapers (All sizes) & wipes

  • Tampons & pads

  • Toothbrushes & toothpaste

For more info contact


Organics Recycling Made Easy Workshop

Organics Recycling Made Easy Workshop
Thursday, March 31 7PM Online
Register here

Join us as we share all the tips and tricks for simplifying organics recycling in your home. Whether you’ve already got a green bin, have been considering getting one or utilize drop off sites, we’ve got you covered. Andrea Siegel is a Hennepin County Master Recycler/ Composter and her goal is to simplify the organics recycling process, motivate you to stay committed and provide solutions for those who are ready to give up. She will also tie your individual actions to the larger picture of climate change. This event is sponsored by the Tangletown and South Uptown Neighborhood Associations with support from a Hennepin County Green Partners Grant.

Up to 40 attendees will have the chance to win either a countertop or freezer compost bin as an incentive to get participants to start recycling organics or continue to do more.


Consider Becoming a Member of the South Uptown Board of Directors

There is currently one vacancy on the 9-member South Uptown Board of Directors, and the organization is hoping to fill it at an upcoming Neighborhood Meeting. The individual would fill the Board term that extends until September 2023. All South Uptown residents, business owners and property owners (18+) are considered members and eligible to join the Board. However, the Board is hoping to fill the vacancy with a neighbor who represents the demographics of the neighborhood including renters, women and people of color. Please contact for more info, or use this link to the Board application.


Luminary Skating Party at Bryant Square is January 8

Luminary Skating Party

Saturday, January 8, 5-7PM

Bryant Square Park (3101 Bryant Ave S.)

Come out to skate with your neighbors surrounded by hundreds of luminary lanterns on Saturday! Stay warm with bonfires and hot chocolate. Bring your skates or borrow a pair from the Bryant Square warming room skate library.

We still need volunteers to help put out and take down luminaries, tend bonfires and serve hot chocolate during the event. Please sign up here:


1/5 South Uptown Meeting features Proposed Condo at 3554 Girard

South Uptown Land Use & Transportation Committee

Wednesday, January 5, 7PM on Zoom

* Email for meeting link.

Tim and Jen Pearson are planning to replace their home at 3554 Girard with a 4-story, 4-unit condo building, and they will present plans during the January 5 South Uptown Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting. The building would have a lobby and 6 enclosed parking stalls on the ground floor with the four condo units above. The project requires a Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning from “Residential 2” to Residential 4” to move forward. Please join the online meeting to find out more.


Meet Newly-Elected Representatives on Nov. 17

South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting

Wednesday, November 17, 7PM Online

(Note: date change from 11/16)

Featured Guest Speakers

  • Aisha Chughtai, 10th Ward City Council Member-Elect

  • Cathy Abene, 6th Park District Commissioner-Elect

The newly-elected representatives for the City Council 10th Ward and 6th Park District will join the meeting to introduce themselves and discuss their priorities. Please log on to learn more and ask questions.

Also on the Agenda...

  • South Uptown Bylaw Revisions

  • Board of Director Vacancy

  • Bryant Square Park Update

  • View the full Agenda here

The South Uptown Board will be filling a Board vacancy, and the organization hopes to recruit people of color, renters and women to fill it to better reflect the neighborhood's population. Board Members oversee the nonprofit South Uptown organization while attending monthly meetings and working on projects. The candidate would serve out the remainder of a two-year term through September 2023. Complete this online application if interested.

All South Uptown residents, business owners and property owners (18+) are considered members and encouraged to attend. We strive to make meetings fun, friendly and interesting. Please join us!


Give to the Max Day is Coming November 18

Please support the South Uptown Neighborhood Association on Give to the Max Day as we work to create a safe, equitable and connected community. Consider a donation of $10, $25 or more to fund community events like the Chili Fest, Earth Day Clean Up, Garden Tour, and Summer Concert Series at Bryant Square Park. Your contribution will help keep South Uptown vibrant and connected during these challenging times.


Join the South Uptown Board or Committees!

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association wants to invite more residents, especially renters and people of color, to participate in the organization better reflecting the neighborhood’s population. There are several volunteer opportunities available now as we work towards the goal of a safe, equitable and connected community. Please contact us at for more information and to join a online meeting.

  • Board of Directors: There is one vacancy on the 9 member Board and we’re looking to fill it on November 17. Board Members oversee the nonprofit South Uptown organization while attending monthly meetings and working on projects. The candidate would serve out the remainder of a two-year term through September 2023. If you’re interested, here is the South Uptown Board of Directors Application Form.

  • Development Committee: Meets monthly to work on ways to raise funds for the South Uptown nonprofit including online donations, a member drive and grant fundraising.

  • Land Use & Transportation Committee: Meets monthly to review development and transportation projects.

  • Livability & Engagement Committee: Meets monthly to organize community-building events, manage social media and implement projects to keep the neighborhood clean and green.

  • Neighborhood Revitalization Committee: Meets quarterly to oversee and implement Neighborhood revitalization Program (NRP) projects related to public safety and housing.


Proposed Bylaw Changes Vote at November 17 Meeting

South Uptown members will consider a series of proposed changes to the organization’s bylaws during the November 17 South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting. The revisions include:

  • Establishing a 6-year maximum limit on the number of years served by Board Members.

  • Revising notice for public meetings to align with requirements of the City’s Neighborhoods 2020 funding program.

  • Adding the option to establish a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) officer role.

View the proposed changes here. Please attend the meeting to provide input and vote on the proposed bylaw changes.


Get Ready to Vote during the November 2 Election!

Make sure you are ready to vote during the election on Tuesday, November 2. Minneapolis voters will select a Mayor, City Council Members, Board of Estimate & Taxation representatives and Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Commissioners. There are also three Charter Amendment ballot questions about the structure of the City government, public safety and rent control. Visit this site to create a sample ballot:

South Uptown residents vote at either the Bryant Square Park Recreation Center (3100 Bryant Avenue S.) or First Universalist Church (3400 Dupont Avenue S.). Visit the polling place locater to find your polling place.


Help Your Neighbors during South Uptown’s Fall Clean Up on 10/9

South Uptown Fall Neighborhood Clean Up

Saturday, October 9, 10am- Noon

Meet at Bryant Square Park (3101 Bryant Avenue S.)

We need your help to pick up all that litter blowing around the neighborhood to ensure it doesn’t end up in our lakes and rivers. Please bring your friends and family to Bryant Square on Saturday to get gloves, trash bags and snacks before heading out to pick up garbage. It’s easy and a fun way to make a difference in the community.


NRP Plan Modification Proposed for Bike Racks Strategy

The Land Use & Transportation Committee is proposing to implement a Plan Modification to Strategy 4.1.1 Bike Racks of the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Action Plan. The change would broaden the language of the strategy to allow for more than just the purchase of bike racks including bike helmets, lights and fix-it stations. The item was first discussed during the August 17 South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting with a vote taking place on October 19. Please contact South Uptown with feedback or attend the meeting.
