Neighborhood Improvements

Proposed NRP Plan Modification

A Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) Plan Modification would reallocate $30,000 from home loan program income to NRP Phase 2 Strategy 11.1 Office & Staff. The funds will allow South Uptown to continued staff and programs at current levels for the next two years. Plan Modifications require 21-days public notice. A vote will take place at the October 15 South Uptown Meeting.


Bryant Square ash trees treated to prevent Emerald Ash Borer infestation

Last month, eight ash trees at Bryant Square Park were professionally injected in an effort to prevent an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation. The EAB has been ravaging ash trees across the country, and is expected to wipe out the tree species over the coming years. Minneapolis Parks Forestry Department has been systematically removing ash from boulevards and parks including five infested trees at Bryant Square last spring.

South Uptown, in partnership with Minneapolis Parks, had the ash treated using Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) funds. The objective is to maintain the tree canopy at the park while giving time for replacement species to be planted and grow. EAB treatments last two years, and South Uptown intends to treat the ash again in 2021.